
Pakistani Boxer Taimoor Khan Secures WBC Asia Heavyweight Title with Stunning Knockout Victory

BANGKOK – Taimoor Khan, a Pakistani professional boxer, triumphed over his opponent in a thrilling match to win the prestigious Asia Heavyweight Title of the World Boxing Council. Khan, the undefeated Asian heavyweight boxing champion, made history for Pakistan by becoming the country’s first heavyweight boxer to compete for a continental champion title.

The exhilarating match, dubbed “Explosive Power,” took place at the Space Plus Night Club, where Khan showcased his exceptional skills by knocking out his Thai opponent, Panya Chomphoophuang. This impressive victory further solidifies Khan’s reputation as a formidable fighter.

Known by his ring name “The Diamond Boy,” Khan dominated the match from the outset, sealing his victory in the second round. This latest win brings his impressive record to 8-0, with seven knockouts.

Following this achievement, Khan is expected to participate in more continental championships to further advance his boxing career.

Reflecting on his victory, the Pakistani boxer expressed that he felt both spiritually and physically stronger. Khan takes immense pride in becoming the first-ever fighter from Pakistan to secure such a high-level title.

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