
6-months jail and Dh100,000 fine for organised begging in UAE

Anyone who outsources people to participate in crime will also receive the same punishment, says Public Prosecution

Any person who runs organised begging operations with a group of two or more people shall be sentenced to jail for a minimum term of six months and face a minimum fine of Dh100,000.

The UAE Public Prosecution on Saturday explained the penalties for running organised begging operations. The same penalty shall apply against whoever outsources people to the UAE for using them in the crime of organised begging.

According to Article No. 476 of the Federal Decree-Law No. 31 of 2021 Promulgating Penal Code (Law of Crimes and Penalties), whoever manages the crime of organised begging that is committed by an organised group of two or more persons shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a duration not more than six months and fined a monetary penalty of not more than Dh100,000.

These posts are a part of the Public Prosecution’s continuous efforts to enhance legal culture among members of the community and increase their awareness about the latest legislations in the country.

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