
Locked grave falsely linked to Pakistan exposes Indian media propaganda

LAHORE – Indian media outlets have faced intense criticism for spreading false propaganda against Pakistan, as a recent story involving a locked grave and allegations of necrophilia was debunked. The image of a padlocked grave went viral on social media last week, with numerous Indian media outlets reporting that parents in Pakistan were locking their daughters’ graves to prevent rape.

However, Alt News, an independent fact-checking website, revealed the truth behind the misleading story. Their investigation found that the grave was not located in Pakistan but in a cemetery in Hyderabad, India. The mosque’s Muazzin, Muqtar, further clarified to Alt News that the grille was placed over the graves by families to prevent additional burials, having no connection to necrophilia in Pakistan.

The journalistic integrity of Indian media has been called into question, with social media users condemning their use of misinformation to spread propaganda against Pakistan. This phenomenon has persisted for decades, aiming to demonize Pakistan and create a negative perception of the country among the Indian public and the international community. Misleading news, doctored images, and fake videos have been widely shared within Indian media, often portraying Pakistan as a sponsor of terrorism and a threat to regional peace.

Such propaganda contributes to the mistrust and hostility between India and Pakistan, damaging their bilateral relationship. It is crucial for Indian media outlets to maintain journalistic ethics and principles by reporting on Pakistan objectively and truthfully. Doing so can help foster trust and cooperation between the two nations and contribute to regional peace and stability.

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