
The month of April is possibly the most expensive month in the country’s history

During the last month, all records of inflation in the country were broken, the annual rate of inflation probably touched the level of 38 percent for the first time in the history of the country.

The month of April is possibly the most expensive month in the country’s history, all records of inflation in the country were broken during the last month, the annual rate of inflation probably touched the level of 38% for the first time in the country’s history. According to the details, after the end of the 11th of the current financial year, the data regarding inflation is coming out.
According to media reports, the final official figures for the annual inflation rate in April have not yet been released, however, according to government sources, all records for the increase in the inflation rate were broken last month. According to government sources, inflation is expected to be in the range of 36 percent to 38 percent for April 2023.

It has been reported that in the country’s history only in December 1972, the inflation rate was above 37%, in December 1973, the highest rate of inflation in Pakistan was recorded at 37.8%. It will be the most expensive month in history.

Whereas in the month of March, the rate of inflation was 35.4 percent. While it should be noted that the weekly inflation rate in the country is also at the level of more than 46%. According to the report of the Institute of Statistics, the weekly rate of inflation was recorded at 46.82% till April 27. According to the report, the prices of 21 essential items increased in one week, the prices of 7 items decreased and the prices of 23 items remained stable.

In a week, potatoes became expensive by 8.2%, chicken by 1.7%, flour by 1.5% and double bread by 1.1%. The price of potato per kg has increased by more than 5 rupees. The price of live chicken has increased up to 6 rupees. A bag of 20 kg flour has become more expensive by 40 rupees. Rice by two rupees per kg, Jaggery by two rupees. Kilo and double bread became expensive by one and a half rupees. Eggs by 2 rupees per dozen, raw milk became expensive by one and a half rupees.

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