
France Pension fights: Critics hit out at Macron over taking off ‘extravagance’ watch during television interview

French president Emmanuel Macron has started web-based entertainment analysis subsequent to eliminating a “extravagance” watch during a meeting over his questionable benefits changes.

Mr Macron’s raising of the benefits age to 64 without a parliamentary vote has caused far reaching fights across France, some of them damaged by savagery.

The vicious scenes prompted the Élysée Royal residence mentioning that Ruler Charles’ state visit on Sunday, his first as the ruler, be conceded in a humiliation for the French president.

Mr Macron has been blamed for being distant by pundits who saw he eliminated his “extravagance” watch during an early evening television interview to shield his benefits changes.

They said it was additional proof that he is “leader of the rich” and withdrawn from the French public.

Clémence Guetté, a MP for the resistance left-wing La France Insoumise party, said the “last picture” given by the television interview was Macron “eliminating his beautiful extravagance watch”.

Farida Amrani, an individual MP and Marcon pundit, added: “The leader of the rich has never worn his name so well.”

However, the Élysée Castle demanded Mr Macron had eliminated the watch absolutely in light of the fact that it was “thumping on the table” during the 30-minute meeting.

The watch could be heard beating against the work area around part of the way through the meeting.

It said the president was wearing a Ringer and Ross BR V1-92 model watch, which is customized with a crest – which would have an unpleasant expense of up to £2,900.

It said he had been wearing the watch for over 18 months.

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