
Maturity can come in politics if judiciary and army do their job, Miftah Ismail

There is an economic crisis in the country, we are not Sri Lanka, if the country defaults, people will set fire here, Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar

Former finance minister and senior League leader Miftah Ismail says that if the judiciary and the army do their work, maturity can come in politics. He said that there is an economic crisis in the country, we are not Sri Lanka, if the country defaults, people will set fire here. Speaking at the National Dialogue on Re-Imaging Pakistan ceremony in Karachi, Miftah Ismail said that the Judiciary does not work according to the Constitution, it works according to its purpose, sometimes it becomes the guardian of the Constitution, sometimes doctrine and sometimes judges agree. .

On the other hand, senior League leader and former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi has said that he has never seen the situation of Pakistan in his life.

He said that today everyone is asking how the problems will be solved, I don’t know about the economy, but politics has gone bankrupt. What is happening is not only because of this government or the previous government, but it is the result of the continuation of wrong decisions and the violation of the constitution.

Shahid Khaqan Abbasi said that today’s youth is disappointed and this is the most dangerous thing. I also consider him guilty, if you have come to this point, instead of cleaning up, accept it and let everyone participate in it. He said that the constitution will be 50 years old this year. The oath of office is also written in the constitution.

The question on this occasion is, did we keep this oath? Shahid Khaqan Abbasi said that no legislation is made to facilitate the people, these failures have brought us here, the first thing is to accept. Although we have made mistakes, the most difficult thing in life is to change the system. He said that while solving the problems of the country, reforms will have to be brought. It is decided that the country will not run the way it is being run. It happened and we negated the constitution by making governments.

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