
Pakistan’s Nuclear Assets, Missile Programmes Can’t Be Compromised: Ishaq Dar

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar said that there would be no compromise on the country’s nuclear and missile programs. He said this in response to the question asked by PPP senator Raza Rabbani.

There has been delay being faced by the government on the deal with IMF and regarding that, he said “It has been an extensive engagement — unusual, too lengthy, too long, too demanding — but we have completed everything, but the program should have been over by 2022”.

Senator Rabbani asked about the reason of the delay in deal with IMF which is very important to meet the needs of economy of the county and debt payment crisis and questioned whether it was due to pressure being applied to Pakistan’s nuclear program.

Mr. Ishaq Dar assured the senate that there will be no compromise on the nuclear or missile program of the country. He said, “Nobody has any right to tell Pakistan what range of missiles it can have or what nuclear weapons it can have”.

He further added that the deal with IMF will be made public through the website of finance ministry once it is finalized. Exposing one of the reasons of delay in the IMF agreement, Finance Minister said that some friendly countries had made commitments to support Pakistan. Now, the lender is asking that Pakistan complete and materialize those commitments. He said “That is the only delay”.

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